I stayed in Iguazu for 2,5 days. I arrived a bit depressed after having such a wonderful time in Buenos Aires and having met such wonderful people. And there I was, back alone in my Hostel on the Argentinian side of the Iguazu falls. The good thing is that there was a big swimming pool and decided to take it easy and leave the visit of the falls for the next day, my idea of relaxing near the pool not bothering to talk to any of those young backpackers... And then I met her! Susana Ortega! IN IGUAZU and IN MY HOSTEL! For the people who dont know her, we studied together at school, and havent seen her for the last 7 or8 years! was incredible to meet there, such a coincidence! I was so happy! We spent the whole afternoon catching up with our lifes. She was with a friend, Aida. The three of us went for dinner and we ended up dancing Reggeaton in a Club until late! Was so funny to meet her there! I promised herI would do like a game for the people of my school to guess who I met with a picture of her backwards, but I havent had time to download pictures...

Well, Susana left the day after with the promise she is visiting me in London soon, and I went to see the falls on the Argentinian side. That was incredible! so nice! Have to upload some pictures to demostrate but as usual pictures dont show the reality...

I did thousands of them! The argentinian side has a lot of walks to see the falls from differents ways, and I also did a small trekking to arrive to a small fall where I could swim. I also took a boat that takes you directly under one of the falls, and of course you end up soaked!
My last day was on the Brazilian side.... and from now on I will not leave Brazil until the end of my trip. The Brazilian side is smaller, and in two hours you can see the falls from another perspective. I did the visit with a Colombian friend I met on the bus and I need to send her some pictures as her camera broke down. Is worth doing both sides, but if I only had one dayI would probably do the Argentinian.

From there I took my flight to Salvador Bahia. My luck... there is a strike on air traffic controlers now in Brazil.... and Im taking 6 flights.. The one to Salvador was only 2 hours delayed, lets see if Im as lucky on the next ones.
As soon as I can I will upload pictures from Iguazu!
3 comentarios:
¿SUSANA ORTEGAAAAAAAA???QUE FUERTE!!Esta chica esta en todas partes..jajajaj..YO me la encontre hace unos cuantos bastantes años por casualidad en un pueblo perdido de vacaciones..ES OMNIPRESENTE..jajajaj..que bueno!
¿Te acuerdas que también nos la encontramos en París hace muuuuuuucho tiempo? Es increíble!!!
Bueno, para que no digas que has visto / conocido a poca gente.
Me alegro que te estén saliendo las cosas bien.
Saludos desde Chile!
Muy buenas,
Aqui Susana Ortega de vuelta del maravilloso viaje por Argentina !
Nosotras tambien hemos disfrutado un monton y ya lo ultimo era encontrarse con Christian !!
Esta claro que voy a verte a Londres en cuanto me dejes :D
Si lo prefieres puedes venirte a Paris (estamos taaaan cerca) ... o mejor organizamos las dos cosas !
Mucha suerte para el resto del viaje y hasta pronto !!
Recuerdos a todos los del cole que leen tu blog !
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